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Firdaus, Opi (11489)
Dedicated to My Grandma, whom passed away that morning... nShe's returned to innocent....nnDate Time Original: 2007:06:02 06:27:27nISO Speed Ratings: 200
17 tahun yang lalu
baru mau komen ceria aku teh. pas baca keterangan tambahannya jg mengurungkan niat .. selamat jalan oma. fotonya keren bgt wedun ..
i'm sorry to hear that...hope she rests in peace...good perseption..
golden moment, golden color, nice picture.
Nice .... warnanya berani banget.
aih keren pisan euy.... suka banget liat desiran ombaknya... so perfect nature... beautiful sunset anyway....
Terharu...great image for a dedication...tone dan komposisinya mantap...salam..
nice sunset capture...salam...
golden sun!!! GOOD..GOOD..GOOD
Sorry to hear that...God bless your Grandma. Tone ke-emasannya cantik banget...
amazing goldy tone!! kompo & konsep cakep ^_^