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Akhmad Faqih (7194)
One night in [HongKong] and the world's your oysterrnThe bars are temples but the pearls ain't freernYou'll find a god in every golden cloisterrnAnd if you're lucky then the god's a shern- Murray Head - rnrnISO 200 @ 22mm
17 tahun yang lalu
josss man.....
sip boss.......
i like the color of this , too bad its quite noisy
cakep banget night city shoot nya ... salam ..
Great night shoot!!!!...asyiikkk viewnya......slm
wah.. wide dptnya yah... di the peak problemnya sering foggy.. tp keliatannya ini cukup cerah... cakep sekali pas ada fireworks jg.. ini pas pesta kembang api itu yah waktu peringatan 10 thn serah terima HK? mantap... very nice nightshot. salam
Keren banget nih... Nuansa malam yang spektakuler...
Night shoot yg awesome!!
dahsyat...great capture.... suasana malam yang indah....