Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Miranti Adelia (7450)
they said that a person could be measure by their shoes. these two here are my favorite... the jimmy choo is soo expensive that i have to collect money for 5 months!rnbut they are just for party and formal stuff. because damn so freakishly hurt to wear in long period..rnrnwell... women these days...
17 tahun yang lalu
wah kalo foto yg ini mah bukan saingan, kan i fotonya gak pake lighting, cuman di atas kasur, trus dibersihin kasurnya di photoshop. kalo mbak miranti kan udah jago banget lightingnya.
nah klo yang ini cocok buat foto produk.. sip aja deh..
sis.. kalo diriku perhatikan foto foto dirimu, cocok bgt kalo foto fashion, jadi mirip bgt kaya iklan hehehe.. salut selalu buat idenya.
Why don't you try ..... Reebok:)
Still life foto product yg sangat menarik,.... angle shot, compo, lighting and tone nya SUPERB..!! well done..... salam
bagus bgt idenya, fashion foto yg fresh..
Sepatunya bagus...pasti kakinya juga cantik... betis yg mbunting padi... Why so long to collect the money just for shoes??? Anyway... it is a very nice shoes...
keren...advertising bgt..salam
kakinya nomer berapa nih ???
idenya cakep Kak.... eksekusinya jg mantap.... salam -yd-
keren idenya, mantap dof nya.. salut mbak..
nice shot.. but to blurry.. so I can't measure you clearly...
cakep... pemilihan BGnya asyik...