Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Miranti Adelia (7450)
this is two most essential gadgets of mine. why? first gadget, obviously my camera. i took him everywhere.to office, to mal, to park, to warteg (indonesian term for small place to eat in pedestrian), even to shower. second one is my glasses. i have miopy case (minus 3), which is lack of ability to see within several meters ahead. without which, i couldnt do any of my activities. including taking pictures.rnrni choose the frame with exact same brand as the camera, NIKON professional. i love the brand and i can assume myself i'm pretty damn loyal to them. thanks, babes...rnrnpicture taken by my Nikon and the help of mirror. but with lack of focus because i took off my glasses.. :DrnrnDate Time Original: 2007:11:27 08:55:33rnISO Speed Ratings: 800
16 tahun yang lalu
asik konsepnya..
Technical wise sudah ok Mir. Kompo aja nih kurang sreg -- space between the glasses and the kamera, it's a bit uncomfortable to see and the space is just to tight. How bout give more space and make it more rational rectangle - instead of panoramic rectangle. Love the text n the lighting
17 tahun yang lalu
ck ck ck .............. keren abis
loyal boleh, asal jangan fanatik :-" eksekusinya manteb, del :)
wuih idenya maknyus!!, kira2 ada barang laen yg bermerk canon gak ya? :D, selaen peripheral elektronik, keren mbak idenya :D
ga tau de mana yang harus di bayar... nikon karena merknya di publikasikan atau adelia karena nikon jadi punya iklan kacamata yg keren banget hehehhe...
Tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata, IDE mu Mantabbbbb Jeng :)
keren ....ide an conceptnya....salute...salute....salute...salam
Iklan nie... pesen satu donk kacamatanya,,,;p
kreatif..kreatif.. idenya mantap mba
api yo mbak. Aku suka di bayangan frame kacamata... salut untuk idenya
Good idea nicely executed... not bad -3... I'm about double digit on my prescription... nice...
keren....udah kaya iklan aja nih mbak..salam...
3 TU untuk idenya, btw lensa kacamatanya sepertinya bukan nikon dilihat dari coatingnya..imho
Trus motretnya pake apa? hehehe.. salut buat idenya yg brilliant sama eksekusi yg perfect Congrat !
mantap bagi nikonian...makin bangga nih...
wah ... masih berlanjut terus neh seri yg ini ... keren lighting nya ...
wah nice idea nieh .... great concept!!!!! big thumbs deh!
keren konsep nya..salam
good idea ...nice concept
foto produknya keren nih..high keynya mantappp, kompo juga asikk..salam
ide cemerlang tuhh..keren abizz ..salammm
I love it ............your concept ..so brilliant
cakep deh , pengen kaca mata nya