Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Steve Chong, arps (19245)
This is the 3rd. image in the series. I have been questioned again, have I created the ray beams using Photoshop? Well, the answer is a big NO!rnIt was a phenomenon...
16 tahun yang lalu
awesome..... great moment
I once found the same beam like this and i know it's difficulties to shot the beam. Though the beam was the main idea here, but if you played with some exposure, you can get a not too dark ground :)
17 tahun yang lalu
nice moment n angle...pic nya keliatan garang n dahsyat. Peace from Bandung....
fenomena alam yang luar biasa.
you right! this is a phenomenon! great moment!
right time, right place.
beruntung sekali dapet moment kaya' gini... great capture..salam
wow....dasyat...nice moment....salam
...Great Light!!!
onLy GOD can create those thingS
What a ROL !!!
i love the bih NO loke these :)
Vote for FPE... great moment and shot.... salam.
wow,, what a nice view.. ciamik betul.. Salam
Very nice Steve, what a phenomenon. Lucky you man. Rgds.
cakep banget ROLLnya, suka pak, salam -eLa
sangar tenan.. salut bos..
Mengingatkan kita bahwa kita kecil seklai..nice..
Wow... the real ROL.... Mantap nih! Salam....
momend oke juga ya......
what a nice view bro.................u got it in the right time n moment....peace from bali....
busyet ROLnya dahsyat banget!!! WONDERSHOT!!
fantastic man.......qi yi de, qi miao de
wew... nice pic...