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Rolland Claudio (43657)
Don’t walk away ….nnBefore we throw our life awaynnA Life that we could share just for another daynnFor your sake I say … please don’t let this gonnWe should have met some years agonnWe should have a life that’s full with no regretsnnWe were still very young…nnAnd so many crazy songs … were waiting to be sung… nnI can’t say Good Bye My Love… nnMy tears would fall.. now that you are gone…nnI can’t help but cry…nnYou don’t know how much you’ve taken my love…nnSo I just pray everynite…nnWishing that you would come back .. to me…
16 tahun yang lalu
cantik deh om...
17 tahun yang lalu
wow keren. sentuhan warna yg tak biasa. n luar biasa.
yg di bawah kenapa nyengir ya oom :D
keren banget kolasenya.... love the tone bro...
ampunn brrrrrrooo.. tone nya..... dasyat bgt.... ajarin dooong...
maksudnya ngarepin elu balik? atau lu tinggalin dia pergi bro? hihihihi cakep tonenya
puisi yg menawan hati deh om..............eh salah hehehe.........lovely smile.....nd cute pose..........asik2
this is lovely broo.... leve the mood...
Ajarin dong bro bikin tone begini. Gile bangeeeeettt....
Kolasenya cakep,tonenya unik...keren om.
hasil trip jalan2 ke Hkg nya "cakep" nih, bro....model nya juga so melancholic kayak selebritis TVB tuh...:) from Hongkong with Love dah, cheers.
gimana cewek2 ga makin cinta sama elo broo....olahannya superb!!
an**it.....kece banget, dua-duanya bagus komponya...liatin foto2 lu jadi pengen bisa moto orang :)
kaya JAV model .... :)
Ide kolasenya original bgt...loved it...tonenya lebih suka yg graffitti bro...:) and jujur gw lebih konsen baca puisinya....
adem tonenya bro...jauh bener motownya yak he2..,mantapps...
kompo dan angelnya ok nih....salam
tone and moment nya bagus nih..
cihuy.kueren bauangeut kk....
Tonenya keren ... banget ...
suka banget liat tonenya....mantep dan keren...
salam dari Hung Hom :) bisa naek ferry langsung dari Central..hehe
salut lagi buat taste komposisi dan color correction nya Boss.
.....gw suka