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Evis (1014)
F R I E N D SnnF-orever loves and cares each other...nR-emember every single things which we do together...nI-magine what we shall do to keep in touch always...nE-nd every reunion with hug...nN-ever give up to encourage each others...nD-idn't ask for a gift...But...nS-end a Gift in every season...nnThat's a friends are for, isn't...nnBy. EvisnnLove you all.... n nnDate Time Original: 2007:12:15 13:13:35nISO Speed Ratings: 200
17 tahun yang lalu
mini mouse itu tidur yaaaaaa,.........................hehhehehe........ ..............cakep mbak.....................aplaus n salam
akh senangnya punya temen kayak evis :D
mudeh2an persahabatan anak2 ini bisa langgeng ampe alhir hayat.....tonal n komponya bagus...nice pic...salam kenal...
lucu2 modelnya, tonenya juga oke..............
kompo nya asik.. regards