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M. Nasrudin Arief (1814)
WaitingnIn the calm of desolationnWanting to breaknFrom this circle of confusionnnSleepingnIn the depths of isolationnTrying to wakenFrom this daydream of illusionnnHow can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds menHow can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around menHow can I know so manynNever really knowing anyonennIf I seem superhumannI have beennMisunderstoodnn..................n'Misunderstood' by DT
16 tahun yang lalu
mantap mas Oding.... coba kaki satunya ga kepotong, jadi bener2 3 TU! hehe... 2,5 deh :p
wah,. nakal ki fotone :D,. tp sayang kepotong dikit dab... trus lightingnya juga gak rata, coba di ratain,. pake senter =))
Konsepnya mantap,cuma croppingnya terlalu ketat sampai satu kaki terpotong...........salam.
wah bakat mbambung jga nee.. he.he.. apik ding, pencahayaan n kompo nendang, prefer sikil mburine ojo muepet frame.. best shoot!
wah.. nice compo nich..