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Bastian Damien Hansen (48404)
For fashion designer book.rnrnModel: Elizabeth. TrnWardobe Designer: John Nguyen (JnG Couture)rnMUA: Elizabeth. MrnHairstylist: Tony. V
16 tahun yang lalu
kolase,tone,pose & lightingnya Ok.. salam
cakep bgt lightingnya...... mantap bang.... salamsenyum -u1-
awesome! :drool:
another EXCELLENT of yours.
Dasyat Oom ^_^...............salam............peace n merdeka
awesome.....you always have something different to offer...
Konsepnya ok
lighting yang dari bawah gue suka
Keren abbisss....
Lightingnya luar biasa............. salam
keren banget konsep & lighting-nya..
suka ide ma lightingnya.. cakep om..
nice lighting....waduuuuh pecut...pecut...LoL
love it...salam
keren olahannya.... nicely toned and lit... suka kolasenya juga... salam...
Nice concept... good lighting...
Absolutely beautiful. Love the setting and her pose. Lighting is nice as well.....lovely fashion shot !!
lightingya bagus banget pak......nice collage too
nice... but different tone?
keren lightingnya.............salam