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Lukman Anas (33709)
Free as a bird, nit's the next best thing to be. nFree as a bird. nnHome, home and dry, nlike a homing bird I'll fly nas a bird on wings. nnWhatever happened to nthe life that we once knew? nCan we really live without each other? nnWhere did we lose the touch nthat seemed to mean so much? nIt always made me feel so... nnFree as a bird, nlike the next best thing to be. nFree as a bird. nnHome, home and dry, nlike a homing bird I'll fly nas a bird on wings. nnWhatever happened to nthe life that we once knew? nAlways made me feel so free. nnFree as a bird. nIt's the next best thing to be. nFree as a bird. nFree as a bird. nFree as a bird.nnBeatles
15 tahun yang lalu
love it
16 tahun yang lalu
dasar sukanya liat burung..
makin nggegirisi aja niy BW nya....
suasana lalu lintas di airport...
saya suka komposisinya :)
keren bro..tapo cropingnya kurang ketat yak..tapi mantablah..SALAM...DEPOK
aihh asikk kakak.... ngga sebebas merpati...
simple tapi menarik....acuhkan komposisi...rasakanlaah itu yg saya tangkap dari foto ini...salam salut selalu!
Ruang kosongnya, agak kebanyakan. Moga berkenan.
... ^_^