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Budi Andana Marahimin (2206)
Everybody's looking for that somethingnOne thing that makes it all completenYou find it in the strangest placesnPlaces you never knew it could bennSome find it in the face of their childrennSome find it in their lover's eyesnWho can deny the joy it bringsnWhen you found that special thingnYou're flying without wingsnnSome find it sharing every morningnSome in their solitary livesnYou find it in the words of othersnA simple line can make you laugh or crynnYou find it in the deepest friendshipnThe kind you cherish all your lifenAnd when you know how much that meansnYou've found that special thingnYou're flying without wingsnnSo impossible as they may seemnYou've got to fight for every dreamn'Cause who's to knownWhich one you let gonWould have made you completennWell, for me it's waking up beside younTo watch the sunrise on your facenTo know that I can say I love younIn any given time or placenIt's little things that only I knownThose are the things that make you minennAnd it's like flying without wingsn'Cause you're my special thingnI'm flying without wingsnnAnd you're the place my life beginsnAnd you'll be where it endsnI'm flying without wingsnAnd that's the joy you bringnI'm flying without wingsnnnnWestlife- Flying Without Wingsnnnno manipulationnntalent : yasirnncritics please
16 tahun yang lalu
momentnya mantap. komponya bagus. ide kreatif. Salam P C
ekstrim.. idenya mantabs abis. olahannya juga mantabs. suka banget ama tonenya. salam jeprets :D
asik idenya..
asoiiiii...keren bgt deh....::salaM::..[z]
kreatif! mantab .......
MantapZ........suka sama tone nya ^_^.........salam........peace n merdeka
good idea...
pasti ada editannya ni..tonalnya beda..dan kyknya ada burn n dodge dikit
Konsep dan idenya keren..Penyajiannya cakep..Mantaff..^^
rotatenya berhasil bro....tone umnik.....nice...salam dari karawci
i like the concept...
huuuwwwiiiih...panjang baget introna...kayakna bner2 imposible...hehehehe
Nice concept! But IMHO, aq koq ga yakin ini ga di edit ya :D. (you said no manipulation). CMIIW. Still nice tough.
keren bgt bgt!!! idenya bagus :)
Konsep ftonya apik......
nice idea!!!asik niy....
unik....keren idenya...tapi tonenya agak2 gimana.......semoga berkenan....salam dari timur indonesia