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Amri Nuryadin, Amro (3761)
[puzzles of life]nnevery second, every moment we livenevery people we met in our lifenin an ignorance glimpse on the streetnor those who stayed and dwelled in our heartnhad been destined as thousands of tiny partsnto make the bigger picture of our lifennnDate Time Original: 2008:12:13 15:59:23nISO Speed Ratings: 1600
15 tahun yang lalu
kok bisa pas gini sihh... pasti dah ditungguin
16 tahun yang lalu
keren wae pokoe
smoking makes you become a joke, ahhh...not for me, hehehe...Salam Jepret...:D
kolase dalam kolase
hehehehe.. bisa kepikiran aja ..
jadi pengen liat WPP :)
wah, paket dobel.... ^:)^
puzzle of life...yes...to make our bigger picture of our life...nice quote...kadang kita bisa mbadut...kadang bisa jadi wasit...(foto kiri lagi nyemprit ya...)....apik le...
maksudnya kolase tpi mmbingungkan
... motonya sebelahan sama diwa ya ????
siji-siji wae sak jane kok...