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Henry Wijaya (13155)
Halfway HomernrnrnMye desire is to see me in her eyes before eye die.rnrnThe lust eye have is all inside MYE heart.rnrnIt Yearns and wants to go to home,rnrnhalfway to heaven halfway to ewe.rnrnMost people aer the other way around,rnrnall gimme gimme gimme:rnrnwhat can eye have to get ME off?rnrnBut she is love, she dreams of kissesrnrnand shared love. She is halfway to Jesus.rnrnLove tendered from a watery place,rnrngiven to be solace for a selfless reasonrnrna compunction of letting gornrnof lusting in favor of just kissing.rnrnHalfway to ewe is halfway to Jesus.rnrnHalfway Home.rnrnrnCharles HicernrnrnrnrnDate/Time Original 1/13/2009 8:33:25 AMrnrnISO speed ratings 100
15 tahun yang lalu
saya suka efek pencahayaannya, kalo diturunin 1 stop, kayaknya lebih dramatis...
Wuih ijonya seger bgt, tajem, ekspresi modelnya dapet.... kerenlah...salam
mantab bgt nich bro,,warna nya asik bgt
expresi nya nangkep, coba di bw lebih sipkali ya
cakep banget ... love the color ...
nice HI....compo n tone keren....suasananya terasa...nice moment...salam el@Ng
keren banget, humanis ....salut _salam
keren banget...ijonya sedap di pandang....momen dahsyat.....
cakeup.. tajem dan ekpresif.. salam kenal