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Ade Mustainuddin (3468)
Ignorance : the state in which a person lacks knowledge and is unaware of various issues in general. This should not be confused with being unintelligent, as one's level of intelligence and level of education or general awareness are not the same. The word 'Ignorant' is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware. The term may be used specifically (e.g. "While he is an expert in math, he is totally ignorant of history.") or generally (e.g. "He is an ignorant person.") -- although the second use is used less as a descriptive and more as an imprecise personal insult.nn-wikipedia-
15 tahun yang lalu
ide & tonenya keren mas
berkonsep banget....mantab...
Ide kreatif... dengan kompo yang menyita perhatian. IMHO isolasi warna bolanya mungkin "sedikit" kurang rapih. Moga berkenan
I have one series of this..Selamet ah...
Idenya bagus de...
konsepnya dapat dan segar...salam jepret :-)
Keren idenya mas.. salam kenal...
konsep nya dapet.. tp fokus nya g dapet bang.. slam knal..
suka sama konsepnya.. cuman gak mudeng dengan tulisannya deh..