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Gede Brahmantara Purusa Putra (14802)
Ailurus fulgens,nusually called Firefox or Red panda is a mostly herbivorous mammal, specialized as a bamboo feeder. It is slightly larger than a domestic cat (40 - 60 cm long, 3 - 6 kg weight). The Red Panda is endemic to the Himalayas in Bhutan, southern China, Pakistan, India, Laos, Nepal, and Burma. There is an estimated population of fewer than 2,500 mature individuals. Their population continues to decline due to habitat fragmentation.nnYour C&C are Welcome
15 tahun yang lalu
Keren... bukannya ni nama browser internet Brahman? haha.. nice tonal.. tajam dan jernih..
wuihhh.. tajem matanya...cakeppp
tajem nih., suka ama tone dan komponya,.
Mozilla Firefox...cepat..tajam terpercaya
wih...ngak nyangka masih ada ya binatang ini....wih, salut deh bli..sukses, salam kenal dr makassar
good social campaign, good print ad
Cakep pak binatangnya, imut bgt
pas momentnya om.. baguss...
nice capture... cakep om.. salam..
wihhh tajem om dasiat