- Gaudi Relief at Sagrada Familia - 

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The Sagrada Família is the most famous work of Gaudí, to which he dedicated all his life to the extreme that he lived inside the precinct to closely follow the works. To point out, that is the unique great temple at present in construction everywhere in the world.
nThe initiative:
nWho is the the man who has the idea to build the Sagrada Família?. The developer was Josep Maria Bocabella i Verdaguer, a very cultured and devout bookseller. Bocabella established in the year 1866 "The Spiritual Association of Devout of Saint Joseph" an organization to collaborate in the diffusion of the Catholicism in an epoch in which the traditional religiousness was faced to the new ideas originated in the Industrial Revolution, in an approach under a conservative ideology.
nThe activity developed by Josep Maria Bocabella to prompt his idea, went him in the year 1872 to Rome to do a visit to the Pope and to offer him in name of the Association an image in silver of the Sacred Family. Returning from Rome, he visited the town of Loreto, where in sight of its church, he was inspired to build in Barcelona an expiatory temple. This idea nevertheless was rejected and finally Bocabella entrusted the architect Francesc de Paula i Villar the project of a temple that was not the servile copy of no another.
nFirst steeps:
nBocabella was very dynamic in the execution of his dream. From 1876 he begins to seek a lot in Barcelona to raise the temple, with many problems, because the scarce budget.
nFinally, in the year 1881 the lands were acquired along the streets of Mallorca, Provença, Marina and Sardenya, with a total surface of 12.800 m2, by a price of 172.000 Pesetas of the epoch (1.034 €). This value was kept by Bocabella under the floor tiles of his store, by fear that to be stolen in the frequent riots of the epoch.
nThe work was initiated following a conventional neo gothic style in the year 1882 by the mentioned architect F. Villar i Lozano. The Saint Joseph day of this year, the bishop Morgades put the foundation stone.
nVery quick a conflict is originated between Villar and the architect Martorell, the Council representative and intervened also in the works. Villar sent a letter to Bocabella telling him that if his instructions where not followed, he would resign of his charge. Bocabella accepted the opinion of Martorell, that represented an important savings in the cost of the work, because the difference was a matter of doing the interior of the columns of masonry instead of building it with ashlars.
nTo replace Villar, the Council, at the suggestion of Martorell, accepted Gaudí - only 31 years old - as new architect of the temple.
nGaudí start and project change:
nGaudí assumes the direction in 1883 projecting on the crypt already begun, adding to it a ditch around so that it could have direct light and natural ventilation.
nGaudí also modified the capitals, object of the dispute with Villar. All this, after abandoning his initial idea to build the temple in diagonal on the lot, impossible thing because the crypt already was begun.
nBefore to think in its ensemble, Gaudí still had to finish the chapel of Saint Joseph that would be inaugurated March 19 (Saint Joseph day) of 1885 and to which correspond their first plans signed as director of the works in December 1884.
nAfter that, Gaudí redefined all the project and developed an idea in which from the few elements already built, he proposed to build a magnificent temple in a Latin cross framework in which he placed all his architectural know-how. A plan of the temple published by "El Propagador" in the year 1890 already shows the temple as it will be, with the twelve bell towers and the big central dome.
nThe top of Gaudí work:
nGaudí quickly think about how he will have to build the temple, if he will do it in horizontal or vertical fragments and thinks that: "it is not possible to finish the temple by a single generation; we will leave therefore an energetic sample of our track, that the future generations feel the stimulus to do the remainder and doesn't tie us for the remainder of the work". Continuing this reasoning, Gaudí while he finishes the crypt, he begins the construction of the apse and while he finishes this, he begins the Nativity façade. Gaudí didn't do complete plans, but leaving from some essential elevations, he set the different elements of the construction in large fragments.
nIn the year 1892 the foundation of the Nativity façade is begin, and also the cloister and the large window of the north area of the transept.
nThe year 1899 the Rosary door inside the Nativity façade is finished.
nThe studies Gaudí did of each façade were very detailed and it were expressed in models to scales 1:25 and 1:10.
nGaudí did three different studies of the Passion façade, the last one of the year 1911, published in 1917, but he did not do a model.
nHe also did the calculations of the domes, but not the complete study. But he only did a model and a detailed study of the Glory façade imagery.
nGaudí devoted the last years of his life to the complete the study of the temple interior with models to scale 1:10, with the columns, vaults, large windows, roofs and links among façades and entries.
nReligious celebrations in the temple and Gaudí dead:
nIn the year 1920 with occasion of the celebration of the "Saint Joseph Jubilee year" a series of acts were organized into the Sagrada Família, processions, pilgrimages, masses, etc. The works of the columns of the transept were started and an exceptional ceremony with thousand singers coming from all Catalonia were reunited under the baton of the master Lluís Millet to sing the Hallelujah of Händel.
nNovember 30, 1925 the bell tower of Saint Barnabas of the Nativity façade is finished. July 10, 1926 Gaudí dies after to had been knocked down by a tramway three days before. He is buried in the Crypt of the Sagrada Família on the 12 in a crowded act in which all the city is bend over backwards to honour Gaudí.

  • Nilai foto: 95
  • Dilihat: 138
  • Waktu upload: Selasa, 07 Jul 2009
  • Lokasi: Barcelona, Spain
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/22.0
  • Speed: 1/13
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Nikon D40 *
  • Lensa: Nikon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 DX AF-S G II ED *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Herken (74810)

15 tahun yang lalu

relief nya keren... jadi kayak lukisan deh oom... warna keemasannya bikin menarik...

 Agus Noprianto (30167)

15 tahun yang lalu

+_____ mantap...seram...dan terasa reliefnya...benar2 mampu menampilkan relief 3D dalam bentuk gambar...sip tenan..(soal keterangan...no coment aja dah)..:D

 Tassos Tonitho Sicara (5127)

15 tahun yang lalu

aaaddduuuuuuuhh.. ini cantik bgt.. apalagi klo dihajar lighting dr samping..trus maen monochrome..it's gonna b a great pics.. tekstur pasti teraba bgt..relief bakal mendimensi.. damn.. ga kebayang euy cantik nyaaaa...

 Tommy Indrawan (4715)

15 tahun yang lalu

arsitektur yg cantik bget,,bikinya susah kayanya xixixixixix,,,,

 Firman Hananda Boedihardjo (37305)

15 tahun yang lalu

great pattern!

 Achmad Purwanto (81060)

15 tahun yang lalu

tehnik HDR seakan mengenai sasaran dgn tepat ketika menemui obyek yg mengandung banyak detail seperti ini.... salut ah

 Martha Suherman (57239)

15 tahun yang lalu

Gila yaah...sadis bangettt! ckckckckc.......ampunnn.....:)

 Satria Panji (11761)

15 tahun yang lalu

no comment.......GREAT....salam klik dari bogor

 Agus Gunawan, junior (263835)

15 tahun yang lalu

ketajamannya prima, detail detail relief tercapture dengan jelas... wah, keterangan fotonya hebat sekali, mas, thanks untuk sharingnya... salam hangat...

 Nana Rukmana Mayaut (165867)

15 tahun yang lalu

bener2 sebuah relief yang tidak bisa hanya dilukiskan dengan kata2 mas, state of the art ........................ salam klik!

 Wiradat Anindito (28294)

15 tahun yang lalu

keren....detailnya dapet........cuakep.......salam

 Donatus Ariel D (8443)

15 tahun yang lalu

wow. objek yang benar-benar menarik untuk dinikmati. pertama kali saya pikir ini adalah kumpulan pohon yang daunnya sudah kering. karena perpaduan tone warna yang demikian. ternyata begitu dibuka sangat mengejutkan dan saya langsung suka dengan karya anda ini. keterangan juga mendukung karya ini. salut atas usahanya mendapatkan momen ini, karena anda sangat jeli melihat hal-hal yang detail ini. silahkan mampir jika berkenan. salam.

 Riky Maulingga (5745)

15 tahun yang lalu

ya..sedikit sama kek mas Nav...deteil reliefnya bikin mata jd "blink2",..liatnya kudu pelan2..;))...bertanya tanya soal bahan reliefnya ini,..perunggu keknya ya?..ama warna2 birunya itu..

 Navianthony Soebijanto (35253)

15 tahun yang lalu

wah mumet aku mas ndelok e? . . . . setelah baca ketrangan baru mudheng . . . ternyata relief sebuah cerita to . . . weleh weleh

Sandy Wijaya (633)

15 tahun yang lalu

SUPERB!!! lighting nya bikin foto ini bener2 hidup!! nice om!!

 Yanuar Rhizky Pratama (39933)

15 tahun yang lalu

detail..tp mumet nonton e dhe..he2..

 Archangela Dema (32560)

15 tahun yang lalu

dasyat reliefnya

 A. Mei Harmawansyah (69506)

15 tahun yang lalu

cakep. mantap tuh cerita nice. keren dah. salam mey mks.

 Felix Ivan Haryanto (23765)

15 tahun yang lalu

waduuh detail banget.. bersihinnya gimana yah.. lengkap ceritanya

Adha Malik Soenjaya (1090)

15 tahun yang lalu

spchlees...Goooodd..salam jepret..mampir ke galery pemula bila anda berkenan..Salam..