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ISO 1000 + grainy....
nJam Gadang (literally "Massive Clock") is a clocktower and major landmark of the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located in the centre of the city, near the the main market, Pasar Atas, and is a tourist attraction.The structure was build in 1926 during the Dutch colonial era, as a gift from the Queen to city's controleur. It was designed by architects Yazin and Sutan Gigi Ameh. Originally a rooster figure was placed on the apex, but it was changed into a Jinja-like ornament during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. Following Indonesian independence, it was reshaped to its present form resembling traditional Minangkabaun roofs (see Rumah gadang). It is said to have cost 3,000 Guilder.
nThe clock's diameter is 80 centimeters, the base's dimension is 13 metres in length and 4 metres wide, and it stands 26 metres tall.
nOne unique feature of the clock is that it uses the IIII for the number 4 instead of its traditional Roman Number IV.

Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/4.5
  • Speed: 1/25
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Nikon D80 *
  • Lensa: Sigma 17-70mm F/2.8-4.5 DC Macro *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Ary Eko Arjunanto (146009)

15 tahun yang lalu

suka BW nya,...bagus anglenya..salam sejawat

 Martha Suherman (57239)

15 tahun yang lalu

Nice bw...anglenya apikkk....salam....ms

 Achmad Afriadi Alamsyah (3696)

15 tahun yang lalu

anglenya saya suka, mantap

 Budiharto (93033)

15 tahun yang lalu

mantab bw nya....nice ..salam