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Widi Arini (1705)
Couldn't sleep, so i just upload my stock. rnPagelaran Sendratari Rama&Shinta. These are two supporting characters in the story.rnAccording to the choreographer, this particular part was suposedly telling a story of the two monkeys who are later on fighting each other for winning Shinta's heart. rnBut to tell you the truth, even i speak the same language with them(boso jowo), i've no idea what these kids are talking about, coz they just danced very well but lack of projection in their speech.rnrnokey, tetep msh banyak retak2 salah di gbr ini yg ih amit amit lumayan banyak. i just could'nt help my self for sharing our culture. that's why i'd love to read y'all comments and critics. rnrnthx for stopping by.
15 tahun yang lalu
Cantik momentnya, ah indahnya kebudayaan. Salam hangat Mbak Arini!
nice shoot n capture.........salam
Suka dgn komposisi, angle, dan tonalnya. Salam S3, Selera Selalu Subjektif.
setuju ma bli putu...lestarikan budaya indonesia,cakep2...tp br tw da hanoman merah,hehe..
Cakep nih, tapi yang terpenting adalah pelestaian budayanya itu lo, salam ya
trotok...,,trotok...,, keren.... salam dr jogja
nice capture n moment gan..salam shizuoka