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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
This Eveningnby PrometheusnnQuiet as untroubled watersnanother austere day gives waynallowing a sun-tanned twilightnto gently coax the night awakenOnce our special time togethernwe watched for Hesparus in half-lightnof the genial summer's evenThe harvest of time's scythenhas sustained me and I no longer grievenOver the many lost eveningsnand things we shall never seenfor this special time of daynGod has given to us allneven if the only one who enjoys it is me
14 tahun yang lalu
manteb udah ga dirgukan lagi punya khas sendiri dlm olahannya...salam hangat sll
daun2 putih menarik..salam salut selalu
Saya suka tone daun di foregroundnya, kalau bisa merata dari kiri ke kanan kayaknya ajib tuh.
wah......semakin top IR nya......tutorialnya donk....salam
keren banget nih IRnya..komponya juga suka..salam
waw IR yg sempurna....tone,,kompo,,framing cakep bgt....nice...salut...salam chal
awesome framing... IR touch yang juga sempurna... Salam salut.
Top banget dah......... no comment......... Salam.
Kiling me softly....
great IR..... Salam The PATIAKers...
,,rojo wit2an pancen oye..rekuest foto bertema sakit hati,patah hati yo dhe?
Mantap jali.....