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Ryan Andrianny Rusjdan (747)
ISO 200rn2010, May 16 ; 10.36 WIBrnrnAdditional note:rnsource: http://www.wrotniak.net/photo/infrared/rnInfrared images exhibit more noise than visible-light ones.. rnrnso, i guess when we use camera with IR filter attached, noise will be there :) yeah right, except we use camera with IR inside heheheh..rnrnOhh iya.. saya perempuan loh :)
14 tahun yang lalu
Setuju sama pendahulu....salam
Tone IRnya pas banget mas Ryan, cuma koq sedikit berasa noisenya ya, salam IR
waow IR^_^.,tp ko noise y,. salam^_^
eksperimen IR yg menarik dgn view yg menarik pula..noise nya tinggi,,tpi perjuangannya bole diacungi jempol..
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