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Edo Kurniawan Suntoko (4329)
Ujung Genteng is not only famous for its scenery, but also for it's coconut sugar. There's a lot of coconut plantation along the road to Ujung Genteng. Just beside the road there're lot of "gubuk" (small wooden house) to process "nira" (sweets from coconut tree).nnAfter 4-6 hours cooking nira will become something like caramel. It's time to put it into the moulding tools created from bamboo tree. The process is so traditional.n------------------nThis girl is one of the worker's daughter. It's truly irritating considering their low income this girl will have a limited access to education & better life. I really hope someday Indonesian will taste the sweetness of their fertile land.
14 tahun yang lalu
setuju sama mas hardianto, karungnya agak dicrop lagi, trus di kasih frame ... IMHO, salam
cakep ekspresi dan lightingnya
mungkin lebih baik kalo karung nya...ilangin dikit lagi... biar poi lebih dominan aja....
maaf blum bisa berkomentar banyak, alnya masih nubi..