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Felix Ivan Haryanto (23765)
Met pagi FNernsrnrnTerinspirasi oleh lagu MaidenrnrnAs the Sun breaks above the groundrnAn old man stands on the hillrnAs the ground warms to the first rays of lightrnA birdsong shatters the stillrnrnHis eyes are ablazernSee the madman in his gazernrnFly, on your way, like an eagle, fly as high as the SunrnOn your way, like an eagle, fly, touch the SunrnrnNow the crowd breaks and a young boy appearsrnLooks the old man in the eyernAs he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowdrnIn the name of God my father I'll flyrnrnHis eyes seem so glazedrnAs he flies on the wings of a dreamrnNow he knows his father betrayedrnNow his wings turn to ashes to ashes his gravernrnFly, on your way, like an eagle, fly as high as the SunrnOn your way, like an eagle, fly, touch the SunrnrnFly, on your way, like an eagle, fly as high as the SunrnOn your way, like an eagle, fly as high as the SunrnOn your way, like an eagle, fly toward the SunrnOn your way, like an eagle, fly...rnrnFly as high as the Sun
13 tahun yang lalu
dahsyaat..indah sekali LSnya mas Felix..anglenya luar biasa..lirik lagunya Maiden kereen..luaarrr biasaaa..salam
Luar biasa viewnya.
dahsyaat sekali viewnya, gelap terang sinar mentari yg menimpa perbukitannya sungguh menawan.
Gila ...dahsyat sekali viewnya, bro.
hebat langitnya. kompo n anglenya cantik, tonalnya juga, cantik, salam hangat siang hari :)
hmm..serasa ikut ada disana... suka mas fotonya..indah
Indah sekali viewnya.., sambil menyanyi menikmati pemandangan yang menawan..., salam dari Zoetermeer
Excelent bgt nih... view ya ampuuunnnnn...bikin mimisan deh... hehhehehe
view nya kerennnn, indah sekali, dasyatttt lanscape nya............ terbayang-bayang bagaimana bila berada di sini.................... top shot from the top, mas........ salam hangat selalu....
Wonderful shot bro :)
Tjakep. Tonalnya apik. Lebih suka diambil dengan format horizon. IMHO.
langit dgn awan yg indah........ciamik...........bebatuannya tajem............terasa indah.............lagunya top..........
Indah banget LSnya nich, anglenya Hebat............."woe"
nice angle & compo...view yg indah, mas...salam hangat............
Wooooowwwwww....dahsyat momentnya...tercapture dengan apik..sudut tebing dengan sedikit cahaya...amazing....nice LS...salut mas
angle, tone, komposisi sempurna........salam hangat
nice view, indah, salam
high angle menawan,,kompo bagus,,,nice LS
luar biasa keindahannya...light senjanya mantap
nice shot.....suka bagian gradasi warnanya....salam
LS yang menawan...SHARP...Komposisi & Tonal yg Cakep....salam
juara nih view lenskep nya
Stunning View ... Nostalgia Iron Maiden ... salam metal
keren nih mas LSnya... tonal dan kompo yg begitu indah, salam
luarrrrrrrrrrr biasaaaaaaa, speechlessssss..................salam, aa