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Sofyan Hadi (9894)
We have butterfly conservatories but no mosquito conservatories. Have you ever observed the beauty, the compact elegance, of a mosquito? Perhaps this is their place in God’s creation, to be a thing of beauty. Or perhaps they are to serve as a source of admiration. We can admire the mosquito’s tenacity and very effective exploitation of the natural world. They very efficiently glean the energy they need from plant nectar and the protein they need for reproduction through the blood of other animals (humans included). It’s no wonder that mosquitoes have survived in creation so long.
12 tahun yang lalu
super tajam,.....bening
13 tahun yang lalu
macronya tajam
wehh.. keren banget.. matanya bisa dapet gitu bang... salut..
tajam luar biasa.. mantab bro. Salam BC :)
tajam en detail pada obyek
superb makro...