Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Mulia AR (126967)
Hopefully this photo could be a plesant one for all enjoying and reviewing. Please feel free to enjoying & commenting many more photos in gallery of mine here. Objective idea and comments for improving our all skill photography always welcome. for *: too bright? too yellowish/reddish? not all, all level were set at EV+0 and RGB255, your monitor set up maybe?
12 tahun yang lalu
mantab mulus bokehnya
manual lens king.. salut
masih semacam OE ya mas, skintonenya jg terlalu kuning
waww..kereen..anglenya asyik Om..salam
nice pose, skintone kemerahan
terlalu terang bos..makasih..