Mystical Kelimutu 

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 Ahmad Fauzi (4379)

Natural Changes, Eternal Believes It is believed that spirits come to Kelimutu when people die. The maE (spirit) would leave its village and remain in Kelimutu forever. Before entering one of the lakes, the spirit would first meet Konde Ratu, the guard of the gate at Perekonde. Which lake the spirit would enter depends on its age and character when alive. The lakes look like colourful paints. The water's colour changes without any prior natural clues. The mineral contained in the water causes the water to change into unpredictable colour. The situation in Kelimutu changes not only due to the lakes' colour but also to the climate. It is no wonder this mystical place has become a legend since the old days. Local people believe that this place is sacred.

  • Nilai foto: 32
  • Dilihat: 228
  • Waktu upload: Selasa, 12 Mar 2013
  • Lokasi: Taman Nasional Kelimutu, Indonesia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/3.5
  • Speed: 1/1000
  • ISO: 160
  • Kamera: Nikon Coolpix S9100 *
  • Lensa: Nikkor 4.5-81.0 mm f/3.5-5.9 ED *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Adi Nugroho (18009)

12 tahun yang lalu

Tonalnya meyakinkan suasana danau ini misterius...

M Priyantono (2652)

12 tahun yang lalu

view nya cakep Om.. suka sama tone & kompo nya,, salam

 Ade Noverzan (257103)

12 tahun yang lalu

nice view

M.Januar Eka Putera (19089)

12 tahun yang lalu

nice LS....view nya bagus...salam.

 I Ketut Budi Utama (25989)

12 tahun yang lalu

nice view..nice works...salam...

 KM Syahdan (4831)

12 tahun yang lalu

nice picture mas.salam.mampir mas jika berkenan.