Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Jimmy Merari (1425)
This is the tail end of Pasupati flyover. I came to this place one day before, looking for photos to submit to Bina Marga photo contest. I don't find any good enough shots from that evening walk. I came back to the same spot on the very next day (Sunday) after shooting around Dago Car Free Day, and I found this very interesting juxtaposition between the crowded side of Pasupati and the relatively peaceful side of artery street. I like this scenery. Those people with their leg on the median, the similar color of motorcycles (it's a coincidence) and the green leaves on the opposite. Technically it is not a difficult shot, just wait for the right moment and you get it. I have to cross the street and stand right on the median, but it's not a big deal either. Another proof of the benefit using a prime lens, it forces you move until you get the right angle.
11 tahun yang lalu
obyek yang menarik. nice perspective
komposisi dan pesannya dapt mas,, salam
moment yg manarik dgn eksekusi yg pass
menarik. light bisa dinaikkan sedikit.