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Bay ISMOYO (4497)
Angry Indonesian's burn tires as police try to remove unlicensed shacks in Jakarta. The Jakarta government removed the unlicensed shacks which belong to a private company where about 5,000 poor have been living for around 7 years police said. The dwellers insist they didn't receive any indemnity from the Jakarta government and have paid taxes for the houses and electric charges to the government for the last 7 years.
21 tahun yang lalu
wow!!...excellent piece of work!!
WAAAhh!! serem banget fotonya!!
bagus bgt
Serem.. Keterangannya jelas, tp gak ada ket waktu kejadian? baru atau lama? dan lokasi tepatnya.
angkat topi untuk foto ini....tabik!
muanteb dah
jurnalistik yg mantap..mencekam
foto jurnalistik yang bagus...
Goloknya mencekam...
hiks.. jd ngeri..
Mantap ! Bukan main...
great moment.. foto jurnalistik yg sangat bagus.. 4 TU
momentnya dpt bgt!
aje gile buset...nice moment....semoga indonesia tidak perang terus...
3TU untuk jurnalistik