Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rahul Sharma (7058)
this is not a new picture, i took this 2 years ago in my hometown, and have posted it into many forums. i like this because it came out exactly as i had planned it..
19 tahun yang lalu
perfect !!!
20 tahun yang lalu
great shot!!!! great momen
You knew exactly what you wanted.
21 tahun yang lalu
just perfect..!
excellent rahul...
excelent pict. nice concept..!
so nice
sangat dalam...
nice picture
wow,the "frame" is great,especially with the light...great shoot....nice composition
sempurna dan pasti puas
symetrical with the accent...
I like the compisition. Well done.
very nice picture..........
Well done, good timing!!
you have the great picture
what an awesome B/W picture!
I feel his loneliness....
waa rahul.. dikeluarin juga.. gua dari dulu suka banget sama foto ini. kalo liat versi cetaknya lebih keren! gak bosen2 liatin si bapak satu ini dan didukung garis2 di latar belakang, aduhaaay sekalee
Ruarr biasa
Great shot!