Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rahul Sharma (7058)
this is not a new picture, i took this 2 years ago in my hometown, and have posted it into many forums. i like this because it came out exactly as i had planned it..
21 tahun yang lalu
wah mas doyan hitam putih yah. by the way keren....
nice picture....
Photo that speaks for itself. Great job. BTW Kurukshetra sounds familiar to us, Javanese, we call it Kurusetra. This where the war in wayang (Astina vs Kurawa - the way Javanese calls it) located, if I'm not mistaken. In which part if India is it?
what a wonderfull pic.... it tells story..
great choice of DOF and use of grains... classic.
very nice BW, suka ama perspektifnya..dahsyat
Very nice object and pattern.... Outstanding....
b e a u t i f u l ...
cakep Mas,tapi lokasinya kok di perang baratayudha ?
Bagus sekali, terutama lighting dan grainnya.
bagus nih
excellent.. the shadow works nicely..
bagus sekali moment dan pengambilan nya...
Keren...komposisi dan shadownya....keren juga B/W-nya, sekali lagi keren....
sakti kak...
Wow...luar biasa...
bukan main cantikkk sekali, bwnya keren. pass
Kalau ada 5TU saya mo kasih nih...
wow....just wow!!!! sempurna