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Ruel Tafalla (35724)
Cokin Blue/Yellow :rnrnrnThis filter is a polarizer, but with a difference. Depending on the angle of polarization either the blue or the yellow portion of the spectrum is accentuated, so as you rotate the filter the degree of saturation of these two colours changes. There's no way to really know what the filter's going to do other than to look through it. Even then, depending on the lens used, the light, the film and what one is shooting, the effect can range from downright ugly to quite beautiful.rn
21 tahun yang lalu
Mantap euy, refleksi & warnanya !!
bagus..tajem..refleksinya tajem bet... IMHO : saya kurang suka dengan momennya, apalagi ada orang yang ngeliat ke arah kamera. Trus, ngambil gambarnya kurang mundur deh...biar agak lebar gitu...terus berkarya!!!!
Bagus bersih gambarnya, sayang jembatannya aga terpotong ya !
Cakep kak.... sayang modelnya nengok kamera ya....
Crips, Kalo aja aku punya lensa itu....
refleksinya asik,keren,,,
Refleksinya tajam, nice pic :)
great shot, tajam, refleksinya ok
idem dgn Albert Lay.. Btw.. nice shot.
refleksinya di air bagus bgt..
tajam... refleksinya menarik
Ruel, ini amazing!! Superb shot!
Tajam sekali fotonya dan indah
Crisp and sharp ... Moment nya sangat tepat ...
cantik n tajam... tp birunya agak over ya... nice shot...
Mantap..variasi warna airnya OK
pretty ....
Nice reflection
Top abis. Refleksi tajam dan airnya birrrrrrruuu...
tajam... refleksinya cantik..
fotonya tajam, refleksinya juga bagus ... but birunya terlalu over IMHO
Very sharp...Nice capture, nice reflection too
cantik2 semua nih oleh2 dari belanda...