Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
Taken from Stanford Hotel yesterday. The gray color in the middle of the sky is actually a rain. :)
21 tahun yang lalu
perfect!no other words.....well done bro.
Wonderfully taken. Indah sekali. Saya sangat suka dengan gedung2 tinggi di depan yang terdiri dari beberapa warna, seperti gedung disebelah kanan yang warnanya coklat tua memberi kesan indah. Inspiring. Great shot.
Hebat euy... bisa ikutan lomba photo di photo-i magazine singapore, temanya juga ttg "Our City". Kirim aja data lengkap ke [email protected], anda pasti jadi perhatian...
Good day Marc, your photo is really colorful. Nicely composed and you managed to minimize the distortion by shooting straight at the right height. Happy new year 2004, may the light be with us :)
everyone of them is crisp and clear....3TU!
Nice marc, the detail, i can't compete with that...
Wah indah sekali , great fhot and colors, salam
gile ,,, bisa begini ya ,,,,selamat bos.
clorful buildings ... lovely view from there the sky is also beautiful
wah keren eh ... cakep banget