Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Tim Chong (3627)
Dusk over Singapore financial & civil district. 8s f/10.0 at 16.0mm iso100. Date Time Original: 2003:10:31 19:14:44.
21 tahun yang lalu
Perfect for everything.
Nice lighting, perfect exposure. Well done, dood... I'd prefer to crop the lower part a bit more.
great night city scape.
nice city scape cuma terlalu lebar (selera)
Another great night pic ... Komposisi yang sempurna, lighting yang OK SAlute for this pic!!!
Nice color and composition. IMHO if you crop the a little bit of bottom and left, it might make this nice picture even nicer!
ini kota emang ga ada matinya ya ... di poto kapan jg tetep bagus :) ... nice shott :)
Bagus sekali. Bisa untuk kalender...
Very good night shot !!
3 Tu on every element of this pic, outstanding
the nuance and the clearness...nice
Very clear view and perfectly captured!
nice shot....nice view
nice view.... great captured
angle bagus..langitnya dramatis
bagus,foto malam yang sangat baik,tapi kok refleksinya agak aneh ya????
Perfect... Good pemandangan yang sangat menarik, warna langit dan gedung2nya sangat tajam..komposisi yang tepat..
Splendid cityscape Good shoot!
pemandangan yg sangat indah kak
no comment,ok bgt sich
great pix
Very good. I like overall composition. Very nice, bro..
great night shot, crystal clear , colors are good as well as composition.
great.... nice night colour combination.. nice picture....
nice view for sure!!