Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Ruel Tafalla (35724)
1 Raw file, Setting 1 : Overexpose by 2stops to show foreground, save as tiff, Setting 2 Underexposed by 2 stops, save as tiff, Combined 2 images by placing underexposed file over Overexposed file. Used Fred Miranda's DRI software to mix.(www.fredmiranda.com/DRI)
20 tahun yang lalu
OMG .... nice filter ... nice sandwich !!!! Too warm on the stupas ... maybe if you adjust the color balance of the stupas abit before blending would be perfect. But this one is a WOW to me already ! Should buy one of this filter :D
Efek warna menarik. IMHO, sudut pandang agak kurang ke bawah
Amazing! Gradasi warnanya fantastic. Great shot.
Wow....good picture. But I thoughtthe filter usage look a bit overdone. Bleeding into the stone structures. Would have been better if the effect is localised on the sky only.
cakep banget pemandangannya
Warnanya bagus, langit terekam bagus, tajam
keren banget gradasi warnanya, good job
wah langitnya keren nihhh .. tp komposisi candinya kurang ..hmm saya lebih senang kalo candinya di foto agak gedean gitu seh .. but still a nice pic^T
Ehm... warnanya asyik tuh kak ruel... kemarin ketemu di hotel mau menyapa malu, abis aku kan gak ikut bayar huntingnya....
efek filter cokin nya cantik terutama di bagain langit dan awan
Angle dan warna yg bagus , buat sedikit gelap lagi agar stupa tidak terasa pucat
Langitnya bagus tp borobudurnya kok terkesan agak kusam ya ?
cahanya nya mantab... sayang komposisi kurang kena