Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
insan kurniawan (9161)
19 tahun yang lalu
bagus deh ih.
Permainan komposisi & lighting yang cantik... cuma IMHO pose model agak kaku... Semoga berkenan mas. Salam
komposisi dan lightingnya dahsyat...=) -salam-
Lighting n komposisi P.A.S!!!
keren abizzz...
Bagus Banget neh...konsepnya bagus dan hasilnya bagus juga..keep up the good work..
lighting, komposisi artistik betul
Wowww....kagak bisa koment apa2 nich....Terpesona....
huhuhuh eren abiss
mau dong ikutan kontribusi :D bantu2 gitu :D nice everything :D
wow...emang cakep...komposisi dan lightingnya cantik sekali...
aimee juliet ya?? niceee.. tapi yg kanan masih keliatan ya kaki kursinya, atau emang begitu ya? bagus bagus aja.. :)
INSAN gak ada matinya. san.. bang Tigor bangga dong punya murid seberkualitas elo,Adhya Ranadireksa juga apalagi gwe cuman ullics temen elo kckckckckcckkckckc gak asalah emang
woww keren sekali
wah gue terlewat foto ini ..... keren bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet
20 tahun yang lalu
love it
Wahh.. dramatic light.. aLways aMazing! Semua foto²nya keren!! -salam-
komposisi dan lightingnya memang mantep pak..
Insan, I like what you're trying to capture here. First, my observation tells me that this is two images combined into one, is it true? I see that your model is lit from camera right (45 degrees) but her shadow did not spill to the second chair from the left. Why? Because she's leaning into a black wall (middle) and that's where you combined the two images. Great try. I was going to suggest to move the model to the second chair from the left, so her body faces into the frame instead of outward. Wah, you almost got me fooled. Keep it up! Oh also, try dressing the model in a different color than the upholstery, her dress blended too much with the chairs.
Lighting, konsep, komposisi, model .. semuanya perfect! Very classy!
Alooooo saudara seperguruan, sudah jadi fotografer yg menaklukkan Jakarta nih :x. BAndung gimana? Pacar? Foto ini pengukuran lightingnya oke, dan anglenya bikin sedap dipandang. Bagi2 dong kalo ada kerjaan :p Hp gw skr 085216357958.
very comercial like photograph great shot :)
Great PIc. Komposis plus lightingnya top abisss......
Very nice concept
Lighting-nya bagus...