When I'm Sixty-Four (*) 

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Variation on Theme dari seri Kaum Marhaenrn
rnBeatles - When I'm Sixty-Four
r n rnWhen I get old and losing my hair,rn
rnMany years from nowrn
rnWill you still be sending me the Valentine,rn
rnBirthday greetings, bottle of winern
rnIf I stay out till quarter to threern
rnWold you lock the doorrn
rnWill you still need me, will you still feed mern
rnWhen I'm sixty-four.rn
rn You'll be older too, rnAnd if you say the word I could stay with you.rn
rnI could be handy mending a fusern
rnWhen your lights have gonern
rnYou can knit a sweater by the firesidern
rnSunday morning go for a ridern
rnDoing the garden, digging the weeds,rn
rnWho could ask for morern
rnWill you still need me, will you still feed mern
rnWhen I'm sixty-four.rn
rnEvery summer we can rent a cottage in the Isle of Wight,rn
rnif it's not too dearrn
rnWe shall scrimp and savern
rnGrandchildren on your kneern
rnVera, Chuck & Davern
rnSend me a postcard, drop me a linern
rnStating point of viewrn
rnIndicate precisely what you mean to sayrn
rnYours sincerely, wasting awayrn
rnGive me your answer, fill in a form,rn
rnMine for evermore,rn
rnWill you still need me, will you still feed mern
rnWhen I'm sixty-four.

  • Nilai foto: 122
  • Dilihat: 259
  • Waktu upload: Sabtu, 15 Jan 2005
  • Lokasi: Darmaga Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/11.0
  • Speed: 1/320
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon EOS 300D *
  • Lensa: Canon canon 75-300 f/4-5.6 USM III *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Friedrich V. Himawan, Victor (34066)

20 tahun yang lalu

Untung bukan bang Igor when 64 yah....hehehe.., pasti gambarnya lain, lagi manggul kamera.........heheh Nice composition, and nice humanis pic........ salam

 Andika Priyatama (9011)

20 tahun yang lalu

warnanya indah nian....sedap dipandang salam kak...

 Nurtjahjo Prianggono Yoyon (129416)

20 tahun yang lalu

kerennn cak... sangat bercerita..