My dream girl in dream land 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


 Albert Safril (19780)

I took this pic when i was goin' with my gurl. We arrived in dream land at 17.30 Wita. The sky already dark. I pushed my zoom lens in full open lens. But the speed still to low. That's why this picture little bit shakked. I've used sharpen in PS7 to reduce it. And this is the result.

  • Nilai foto: 83
  • Dilihat: 492
  • Waktu upload: Jumat, 04 Mar 2005
  • Lokasi: Dream Land, Purbalingga, Indonesia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/2.8
  • Speed: 1/60
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Fujifilm Finepix S2Pro *
  • Lensa: Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8D ED AF (N) *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
Suhendro Pramono (2393)

20 tahun yang lalu

nice shot, it looks like a manual slr picture because the POI is sharp and the other side are quite blur enough.. IMHO

 Fr. Edy Santoso, Singomoto (189664)

20 tahun yang lalu

angle dan posenya cantik .. tajam .. nice shot salam dahsyat,

 Andri Irawan, Billitone (72159)

20 tahun yang lalu

Bangun euy...udah pagi, masih ngimpi aja. nice shot bro.