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Lelly (30346)
In the distant maze, I see two doorsrnOne leads to change, one leads to where I've been beforernI am an angel, on broken wingsrnI am the beast, the devil and all in betweenrnNothing at allrnIt's never dark here, it's never lightrnFeeling like I'm caught between two worldsrnrnWhen the night comes down, the blade comes outrnI wish, I wish, I wish I felt something at allrnNothing's wrong or right, nor black or whiternBehind the hurt I see the lust come shining throughrnWhat do I dornJust like the rainbow, between mist and sunrnFeeling like I'm trapped between two worldsrnrnNever laugh or smile, I never cryrnMy mind is numb, and I can't take it anymorernScreaming in frustration, no sound is heardrnAm I asleep, or am I starring in a dreamrnPlease wake me uprnSometimes the hunter, sometimes the preyrnFeeling like I'm trapped, lost and never foundrnFeeling like I'm caught between two worldsrnWithout a homerninspired by Rafi Soerjadi [cieeeeh.... terinspirasi jarene arek'e fiiiiiii.... wakakakakaka], anak2 FOBIA, Balikpapan yg doyan banget selow sepid [thank y'all for giving me that inspiration] dan untuk Lena Sari... this is for you sis.... thank you :Drntaken on the last day when i was in Makassar, another spot at Akkarena, a moment before the weather went nasty... [kamera saya sampe rusuh gara2 pasir *keluh*]rnPS. Thanks for the time and comments.... i really appreciate it.... keep peeping guys... :Drn[ saya masih belajar motret landscape, harap dimaklumi kalo ada yg MBLESET! =)) dan saya juga masih belajar selow sepid, jadi sekali lagi, harap dimaklumi kalo ada yg NJEMBRET! :))]rnon-Vacation-projectrnMakassar-snaps-ser ies
15 tahun yang lalu
wadu sip e rek.... aku pingin moto ngene iki..... sek tak catet e filter e.... tapi iso ku gak iso 50 :( *bingung deh*
patut 3 jempol nih... itu grad blue nya di tengah doang apa gimana tuh...
tonenya cakep banged:D.. viewnya juga keren:D.. top bro:D
beuh muantapb...ga usah merendah mba, dari kemaren saya ikutin mba ini karyanya bagus2 loh...salut
Keeeerrreeenn abisss mbak !! Mantap jepretannya!!! salam....
edaaaaaaaaan!!! luph u lel... :) wis taaaaa....nd400-nya boyongen wis...ben iso wus wus hehehehe....sedaaaappp! lil bit more on the composition thingy :) but overall good job! :)
gradasi warnanya menawan...
wew.... mba'e ki takut basah yak..... ahahahahahaha.... :P nyemplung aja mba'e..... xixixixixixi..... tiada tara.... nantikan aku balik ke makassar..... ku babat habis spot" Indah disana..... :D
keren banget.... suka sama teknik jepretannya..
aku yang pertama ... bagusss bgt bgt .. bagi2 ilmu dunk
kamu adalah suatu keajaiban yang luar biasa.. dari dirimu bisa tercipta karya yang indah... suatu hal yang sangat merugikan jika kehilanganmu.... walau terpisah oleh 2 dunia... tapi kita akan selalu bersama.... huhuuuy... :) LY
nice moment....terasa istimewa... teruskan berkarya! salam hangat from jemberphotography.com
Uapik..dua dunianya mbak Lellly.., warnanya manteb...., salam dari Zoetermeer
Waw indah sekali view & capturenya...........gardasi tonalnya sedap sekalee.............salam
WOW keren banget tone na............salam