Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Dedi Irwanto (1390)
Camera - | - Make SONY - | - Model DSLR-A200 - | - Orientation Upper Left - | - X resolution 72/1 - | - Y resolution 72/1 - | - Resolution unit inches - | - Software DSLR-A200 v1.00 - | - Date/time 19/07/2009 9:13:12 - | - Primary chromaticities (0.64,0.33,0.21,0.71,0.15,0.06) - | - YCbCr coefficients (0.299,0.587,0.114) - | - YCbCr positioning co-sited - | - Image - | - Image description SONY DSC - | - Artist - | - Whitepoint 0.313,0.329) - | - Copyright - | - Exposure time 1/640 s - | - F-number f/4 - | - Exposure program Manual - | - ISO speed ratings ISO 100 - | - Date/time original 19/07/2009 9:13:12 - | - Date/time digitized 19/07/2009 9:13:12 - | - Component config YCbCr - | - Compressed BPP 8 - | - Brightness value 7.5 - | - Exposure bias value 0.00 eV - | - Max. aperture value f/4 - | - Metering mode Pattern - | - Light source unknown - | - Flash Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode - | - Focal length 210 mm - | - User comment - | - Colorspace Uncalibrated - | - Pixel X dimension 3872 - | - Pixel Y dimension 2592 - | - Scene type A directly photographed image - | - Custom Rendered Normal process - | - Exposure mode Manual exposure - | - White balance Auto white balance - | - Focal length in 35mm film 315 mm - | - Scene capture type Standard - | - Contrast Hard - | - Saturation High saturation - | - Sharpness Hard - | - Miscellaneous - | - Exif version 2.21 - | - FlashPix version 1.0 - | - File source DSC
15 tahun yang lalu
dahsyat DOF-nya
konsep nya keren, mantab. salam dari alpharian.
nice concept....
hahaha.. nice idea. salam
idenya menarik dan tajam pula fotonya...
lucu salam senyum jadi pengen bikin robot juga xixixi salam senyum ^_^
dari kemaren mang menarik perhatian banget konsepnya... nicely well done... :D
don`t have any objection truly inspired -furui-
keren banget konsep n fotonya... langsung FPE lg .... salute _______________ B-)
wah, keren keren,kayak lagi mau metik bunga
wah keren...dof dan tonenya enak dilihat...selamt FPE
Mantap konsepnya ..... Lucu !!!
lucu sekali.... terlihat hidup yah,...
salute lah idenya... menggemaskan sekali.. ^^ penyajiannya pun apik.. salam..
simple but nice!keep the great job.salam
dof nya tajam, bokeh cantik, good concept
Waw lucuuu bgt modelnya... hehe...
asoy boooooooooos... ni IMHO ya.. itu bonekanya bikin sendiri pake 3d apa ambil gambar di net aja bos?? selebihnya bagus sekali, saya suka :)
lucu, suka conseptnya
wawawa~revoltech kardo..!!nice ide n capture na na...eheheh~salam...
Pintar sekali setting & konsepnya... salam salute...
lucuuuu....keren2 bokeh ny..
wow...konsepnya dahsyat sekali
bagus .. jd inget yg ini http://ataraxia11.deviantart.com/gallery/
waaw....tajemm bgt nih fotonya...konsepnya menarik dan bercerita...cocok dgn judulnya.. salam.,