Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
Pls comment in english. Thanks a lot :)rnbtw, this is my first try with this kind of photoshoot.rn
21 tahun yang lalu
another linh?... yang ini top bgt...
I like this composition but better if u give fill in flas from the left side so there is no shadow from Linh's leg (IMHO) ! Great shot ... !
Nice composed and sharp.
nice composition, but prefer the angle facing more to the face directly
Great shot...
great shoot.............
Keren komposisinya mas... Bayangannya bisa dikurangin mungkin? agak mengganggu kalo kebanyakan, menurut saya in English : Very well composed It would be better if you could somehow reduce the shadow. It's a bit disturbing (a bit too much)... Peace
and a great 1st try it is...splended shot!
well composed
Nice Diagonal Composition
love the leg shadows
nicely composed...
very nice.......
I like your composition and the angle you have made. If I were you, I would like to let more space beside lynh head.
komposisi cantik..sexy banget,pooolll
...gak kebayang kalo yang berpose kayak gitu saya......:(
Good composition.
well composed.. i may want to give bit more space on top left side.. beautiful shot..
sexy, good composition..
you did a great job...maybe u can change or find another pose...
in my opinion...that pic looks good with ur diagonal taken...well done sir...
Great composed but the color is flat (my opinion)
well, i love the diagonal composition and framing you've take... it's pretty sure that it's perfect in technique and and also have an art value... But if i may ask you... What you wanna try to tell with this pic? The swimsuit? or just a body lay on a sand? COz I cant find the theme in this picor we may say a sense of art.. sexy? lovely maybe... or else?, but anyway, it's just my opinion only man... :) and for your first try for this kind of photoshoot, you did a real great shoot.