Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
Pls comment in english. Thanks a lot :)rnbtw, this is my first try with this kind of photoshoot.rn
20 tahun yang lalu
Foto yang bagus komposisinya.
setuju, komposisi and lighting top. kalo kita lagi kesasar di pantai terus nemu beginian, gimana ya?
Nice pose and very clean background. Simplicity at its best!
good angle and composition
good composition and light
terang, tajam, focus, pengambilan gambarnya... pas komposisi cahayanya
siip fotonya!
angel pas, gaya model keren, sexy pula hehehe :)
nice shoot !
klo kakinya lurus semua lbih mantep lo
Good Sir! Angle OK! Composition OK!
Lovely pic! Great! Cheers!
very nice picture... ^_^
very nice shot, perfect lighting!
muanteb yah
Posisi pengambilan fotonya kurang kekanan, sehingga tampilan yg nonjol dikaki
nice pic, nice babe, nice view and also nice lightning you have a great shot bro....^_^
TE-O-PEEEEEEEEEE........kereennn....tajam dan level contarstnya pas bener...btw pengen nih cari model yang bisa dijadiin object photo kayak gini...
I like the composition, and the way the shadow falls on her side. The only thing missing is the expression on her face. Still a great job...
Adakah yang lebih menarik lagi selain memotret wanita cantik... apalagi hanya memakai bikini...
incredible photo! it's unbelieveable if this is your first time.
Nice picture , good angle !
nice shot.
secara tehnis...bagus, tapi kayak cewek cakep tapi bisu, mo ngomong apa sih foto ini?