Sore di Quetta...  

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A dusty street of Quetta as seen against a gloomy sunset.....................This photograph I took on August 1, 1976 during a several months lasting overland trip from Europe to South-East Asia. At that time the road from Kandahar in Afghanistan to Quetta in Pakistan was the main traffic line for people and cargo between these two neighbouring countries. It was easy to travel by regular and frequent busses. Nowadays this area insecure, unaccessible by public transport and nearly completely controlled by the Taliban. Quetta, just across the boarder to Afghanistan nowadays a stronghold of Islamic fundamentalists and supporters of Osama Bin Laden....................................................... ....................................P.S.:In order to avoid misunderstanding as this could be seen from the comment of my dear friend Haris Wijaya I like to add that I naturally very well distinguish between the overwhelming majority of good hearted moslems and those who choose terror as response to sometimes arrogant and imperialistic looking behaviour of a superpower.In order to be convinced that me not only look CNN you can have a look at this ....In the meantime this misunderstanding very well settled and for sure Haris will be happy to upgrade his comment to 3 TU in order I can win a better "nilai" (joke only:-))

  • Nilai foto: 358
  • Dilihat: 721
  • Waktu upload: Sabtu, 28 Feb 2004
  • Lokasi: Quetta, Pakistan
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: n/a
  • Speed: A
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Porst SLR *
  • Lensa: Astronar 90-190mm *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 A.Irwan Endrayanto (7437)

20 tahun yang lalu

the picture is great....backlighning in the dust make it great.... the keterangan tambahan gives us more usefull info (without judging)

Christover Isaburo Kurita, ovie (1129)

20 tahun yang lalu

Moment bagus di tambah cahaya dari belakang foto jadi lebih bermakna..

 Very Wirawan (35735)

20 tahun yang lalu

My english is very poor, so i just want to say that this photo is great. I like very much what i see in this frame.

Pratiwi (292)

20 tahun yang lalu

waduh, dunno what to say... cuma mo bilang, kapan yah bisa nemu momen yg bagus buat bikin foto seperti ini...:)

 samuel hutabarat (11095)

20 tahun yang lalu

I like your photo.. very artistic. I don't give a shit about what's going on in that place right now.

 Jaya Miharja N (24142)

20 tahun yang lalu

Nice captured. The dust / smoke make this picture interesting. Well composed Helmut. BTW, have you read my email yet ?

 PC Suhartono (38432)

20 tahun yang lalu

terekam bagus sekali...debunya, aktifitasnya,...selamat tuk FPE ini. salam selalu,

 Steve Chong, arps (19245)

20 tahun yang lalu

Amazing quality of light captured here! Superb piece of work!

 Oki Susanti (12694)

20 tahun yang lalu

Amzing atmosphere. A picture worth a thousand words, well this one simply brings me there amidst the dust, walking behind the woman on the right and feeling her clothes brushing my arm while wiping the dust from my eyes... This picture not only tells a story. It brings us right there. Again... amazing! (the above person who gives 1 TU clearly doesn't understand English ^_^)

 Alim Sutisno (9571)

20 tahun yang lalu

C o o l . . . . .

 I Putu Eddy Irawan, iPEI (466)

20 tahun yang lalu

Luar biasa...

 pramana sudiro (30467)

20 tahun yang lalu

nice composition

 Tim Chong (3627)

20 tahun yang lalu

Lovely B&W

 nigella kervia, Mia (5047)

20 tahun yang lalu

Great captured .. just born when you took this picture ..

Adrianto Widjaja (574)

20 tahun yang lalu

bagus sekali tampilan yang menarik

 Adi Ganda Wijaya (5025)

20 tahun yang lalu

very nice expression from the people, very good capture, nice moment, perfect exposure, perfect composition.

 Haryanto R (6495)

20 tahun yang lalu

nice picture mister, dusty street in quetta

 Donovan Dennis (7755)

20 tahun yang lalu

Technically, i like this photograph especially for this unique lighting. But i really love this photograph because of its story behind.

James Bintoro (1652)

20 tahun yang lalu

Kerenn bangett.. canggih

20 tahun yang lalu

wah ini mah perfect bgt! what a nice picture mister!

 Mamuk Ismuntoro (4934)

20 tahun yang lalu

well mister...., konvensional sekaligus bercerita kuat

Shofian N K (16876)

20 tahun yang lalu

Keren, BW OK & nice moment...

 Eggy Siagian (8395)

20 tahun yang lalu

i like the mood!!!, very life environtment!!

 Cessy Karina (42569)

20 tahun yang lalu

tadinya saya kira foto di Afghanistan, ternyata di pakistan. tapi ya memang di perbatasan afghanistan ya ? jadi cara berpakaian juga mirip. suasananya nicely captured. thanks for sharing

 Danny (13075)

20 tahun yang lalu

great picture,salute