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Natasha Sanchez (352)
i was on vacation... so i thought that it would be nice to go to the sahara desert. so i went there... it was really nice... as i was walking in the sahara, i looked back and i saw my footsteps... and i thought it would be nice to take a picture of it... this pisture was originally abit to bright, so i decreased the lighting...
19 tahun yang lalu
Nice catch and nice idea, but need little bit sharper. Salam
Must be very excellent place to be there... nice shot and pattern.
Tajam......warna cool...... keren......I love this !
Gosh..it's soooo beautiful.
wonderful colours natasha.. lovely composisiton..
the composition is so beautiful......the curve and the perspective between the desert and the footstep were in good match.....
actually i like this photo but i think it will be strongest photo if you take it more sharpness nice to know u...
20 tahun yang lalu
Nice shot! I like the foot steps and the edge of the sand dune that make a strong leading line into the far end of the picture. I think if there is a figure at the far end of the picture would add more impact to the composition. It is unfortunate the shadow covers half of the picture. In all, it is a good picture.
angle dan komposisinya kuat dan menarik....
it's nice pic, dramatic, ....
artistik nih!!!
super frame and nice moment
olahannya mantap, kayak lukisan
waduh idenya hebat sekali. eksekusinya mantap. kok dari dulu saya nggka pernah kepikiran bikin kayak gini ya? hehehe.
Good step
This is nice pic of desert if the sky more blue it will be better. I have taken some desert pics in Qatar but not so nice may be due to different color of desert. Do you speak in Bahasa Indonesia too? Keep uploading, nice knowing you.
wow.. nice pic mam.. nice foot prints in the dessert.. love it a lot!! Keep up my tumbs for u!! ^_^
bagus... give us another one to convince :)
Upload yang sukses langsung FPE! Komposisinya bagus, Selamat dan selamat datang di FN, Salam kenal.
very nice capture pengen banget nih bikin yg kaya gini, di sini kan banyak pantai jg. tapi ada noise sedikit di kiri atas ya, mungkin kompresi jpegnya... kl langitnya lebih diliatin gimana? secara keseluruhan....ajariiiiiiiinnn dooonnggg...!
Like David Dewantoro said.....show me another picture than i change my opinion.
cakep komposisinya...=) -salam kenal-
komposisi dan olahannya cantik neh ..... nice pic
love the compo n color.... nice shot
Jadi kadang emang ada gunanya juga ya melihat ke belakang :) Jadi bisa dapat foto cakep.