Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Natasha Sanchez (352)
i was on vacation... so i thought that it would be nice to go to the sahara desert. so i went there... it was really nice... as i was walking in the sahara, i looked back and i saw my footsteps... and i thought it would be nice to take a picture of it... this pisture was originally abit to bright, so i decreased the lighting...
20 tahun yang lalu
keren, komposisinya bagus, anglenya pas.
wow... it's yummy!
Waooww.. its really beautifull pic nice shot Natasha..
Amazing ..., delicate foot on desert seems very hazardous.. no comment on this photo. coz it already perfect..
bagus photonya. mungkin dofnya agak kekecilan. tapi dah bagus
Foto pertama aja udah kaya gini... gak sabar nunggu foto berikutnya nih...
wow... keren buanget... salam..
First upload? Wow! Great try!
Yang bener aja nihh?? Ini foto perdana?? Ckckck.. Ditunggu deh karya berikutnya ^_^.. Salam..
Woow...Good Picture...I like this..
beautiful image & unforgettable.
bagus nih...suka perspektifnya
nice idea, aggree with the other to much saturation.BTW nice shot
nice pict, mybe saturation too strong, u need a little minimum saturation, success for u!
cakep angle, komposisi dan tonenya keren neh idenya... Salam K'jazz
Wow... di bawah sengatan matahari di ubun-ubun masih sempat mikir membidikkan kamera pada jejak-jejak di atas pasir? Anyway it was actually nice shot. The tone color and the composition also in good harmonies
Hmmmmmm...........................something fishy about the pic
Saya pingin motret ke sana Ngak salah entri data Film, Fuji 400 Anglenya mestinya bisa dibuat lebih baik & bila dibuat tajam akan lebih menarik
I always this kind of shot...very eye-catching. btw, lagi ngapain di sahara?
kyk lukisan aja.
angle pas bisa nampak curve jejaknya, nice pic.....lah....
foto yang bagus banget. perspektifnya ok. warnanya jug ok. salut. salam...
Komposisi dan cahaya yang menarik sekali. Sangat eye catching! Love it! More of this series please!You can't be only took one pic..more! more!