Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
Pls comment in english. Thanks a lot :)rnbtw, this is my first try with this kind of photoshoot.rn
20 tahun yang lalu
good angle and good composition=) I think it's OK for swimsuit yearly calendar -well done-
nice angle....nice composition....nice lighting....sexy & sensual...love it
Nice shoot..good angle..sharp enough.. welcome to FN! I think the text can be removed from the layer just to make the point of interest clearly
skin yang bagus
Ini baru namanya Model.... !!!!
wuih..bagus banget..dari ketajaman, lighting, komposisi, angel....mantep modelnya ....
Ini pake model atau istri sendiri ?? kokcakep ?
Nice Shoot...!!
Uiiiiihhhh.... Buagus...
sexy girl. nice composition :). great pic
Tajam skali... Angle dan komposisinya bagus. Perfect skali. Modelnya juga bnr2 *** dhe...
nice komposisi and angle , lightning dah ok tapi sayang framenya terlalu sempit :)
posisi objek diagonal, pose model, pencahayaan samping dan jatuhnya bayangan menjadikan foto ini sempurna.
Angle OK, KOmposisi OK, Model OK, Ekspresi & Pose OK, Ampe gemes liat modelnya nih...:)
membuat aku terpesona
toooooooooooppppppppp, bening sekali
Nice picture. One suggestion : I just thought there is something wrong. It looks as if its not on the beach. The sand is too flat.
angle dan komposisi oke, nice pic
nice and sexy :)
pencahayaannya seimbang banget. good.
Cool & Sexy,.. But I think it's too small
Great picture with beautiful model
waw bagusnya